Monday, September 23, 2013

Smart Ways To Loose Weight

      We often workout hours together and think there is no change in our weights. In fact, that’s because we wouldn’t have been in a proper diet. Workout and proper diet at the right time will help in reducing weights effectively. I would like to share some information with you:

1.  Sleeping at right time:

                We often have a practice of getting up late and sleeping at late-night which many times affect our body health. We always need to have a proper schedule for waking up and going back to bed on proper time. There is a proverb which best suites this “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”

2. Physical activity for 30 min/day:

               We are always indulged in our work and dis-remember our health so it’s good to spend some amount of time for ourselves. These days things have been more automatic and computerized so we never get a chance to do any physical activates during our work. So it’s always good to spend at least 20-40 min/day in any kind of workout that’s comfortable for you like gym, aerobics, swimming or yoga as you like. This would relax our mind too.

3. Track your BMI:

   Always have a track of your weight and check your BMI (Body Mass Index) and know whether your weight is proper to your height as, if you have a BMI greater than 30 it may lead to obesity. Down is a general scale of BMI.
           BMI Categories:
       Underweight = <18 .5="" o:p="">
                                              Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
                                              Overweight = 25–29.9
                                              Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.
    4. Consume Low fat food:
          Just to start with the diets avoid high fat and high calories food. Just as simple to start stop consuming fried items, sweets, soft drinks, cakes, ice-creams, chocolates, etc. Start eating Vegetables, fruits or fresh juices. Also use less sugar, salt in your cooking and replace rice with roti (wheat).

 5. Change your work space behavior:
     Our work orientation is generally computerized so it is wise to have breaks for at least 5 min for an hour intervals. We always have to follow healthy work space etiquette such as try to take lunch away from desk, go for small walk after lunch, etc.
6. Consume lot of water:
         An advice we often hear from others is to “Drink water” which is very essential as it might flush out toxin from our vital organs is one among its benefit. We generally neglect this advice but we have to drink almost 8 glasses of water that is 1.9 liters if we lack of water in our body it many lead to dehydration.
7.  Never skip breakfast:
     Breakfast tends to maintain and lose weight. Though people skip breakfast in the hope of losing weight they tend to eat more during lunch or even choose unhealthier options later on which results into weight gain. Always try to eat heavy breakfast, medium lunch and light dinner.
8. Consult doctor if drastic change in weight:
       If we have a sudden raise in our weight especially for women’s in the abdomen region it might be because of some medical reasons like PCOS, Thyroid, and Obesity etc. So it’s good to consult with doctor if you feel a sudden raise in weight this will help to know about our body conditions and good health.

       Just give a try to change few habits in your day today life and see a change in your mind and body. Hope this would motivate you for your weight reduction goals as this as stepping stone.

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